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Script VO du Webisode N°7

WILL: I'm pretty sure we have rules about floating and stuff. Whoa, whoa! What say you just come down and we talk about this?

HELEN: That's quite enough of that.

WILL: I had everything under control

HENRY: Witches huh? It's been a while since we had to clean up from some of those. Hey, you must be the new guy. Henry Foss, weapons, tech support, phone guy, you name it, but I either build it or fix it, hopefully not in that order.

WILL: Will Zimmerman

HENRY: Yeah, I heard about you, well not much actually but I'm sure you're up for the task, more than the last guy anyway. Look at this! See that? I'm telling you, women plus technology equals mess

WILL: Hey ah, don't take this the wrong way but are you, you know?

HENRY: Nah, I'm just kidding. I am a normal, boring homo sapien just like yourself. My great, great grandfather was Magnus' original weapon smith back in London. It's all about nepotism dude.

HELEN: Henry, is my lab operational?

HENRY: Not yet

HELEN: Then I suggest you stop talking and go and fix it

HENRY: FYI around here, humans are second class citizens


HENRY: Especially men

HELEN: Right, your turn. Based on the supernatural forces at work here, I'd say you're lucky to be alive

WILL: Yeah I got nailed by three witches, great story for my next medical conference

HELEN: Is your bravado meant to be charming?

WILL: Isn't it?

HELEN: I find no permanent damage as a result of your injuries. As I said, lucky.

WILL: So what did they do?

HELEN: From what I can gather our guests unleashed powerful psychic energy on a massive scale. If left unchecked the toll would have been quite substantial

WILL: Psychic energy as in they can read minds?

HELEN: I'm guessing that's how Danu was able to quickly learn our vernacular of English and instantly pass that knowledge on to her siblings

WILL: OK, I saw them floating in the air. I watched them destroy the lab with their minds, I guess but as for them being The Morrigan? There's no way.

HELEN: The markings on the ring. Memories of ancient battles. I'm entertaining the possibility

WILL: Or they could just be three scared, lost, delusional women, albeit with some freaky powers, not famous witches from 1200 years ago. [sighs] but that's not what you want to hear is it?

HELEN: I beg your pardon?

WILL: We looked in that crypt for... ?

HELEN: Elixirs

WILL: Right, ones that could help you with your condition. Instead we found three people in coffins. Three people who are now claiming to be even older than you by a long shot

HELEN: I see. So I'm imposing my personal agenda on the situation? Hoping that these three women can somehow help me find a cure for my longevity

WILL: That's understandable, if they were in fact 1200 years old they may hold the key to help

HELEN: You can't possibly understand. Life without end is not a gift, it's a curse. It means loneliness, isolation. It means being less human. Now if you can somehow prove that these three women are nothing more than misunderstood abnormals believe me I will be the first to applaud your efforts but if they are indeed who I suspect then you more than anyone are in mortal danger

WILL: because they hate men

HELEN: The Morrigan were created for one purpose only. That is why you and my manservant were so affected

WILL: Well we better hope that I am right


WILL: Oh! You scared the crap out of me

ASHLEY: Because of my unbearable hotness?

WILL: God, you're a mess. Here, let me help you. So how is the shopping list going?

ASHLEY: Having the time of my life, did I miss anything?

WILL: Yeah, witches


WILL: You might want your Mom to take a look at that


WILL: Hey listen. I know you're all about keeping up your mojo and not sharing things, but I promise you, you are going to be in a lot less pain both physically and emotionally if you just talk about what you are going through, it's all I'm saying, alright?

ASHLEY: You ever look at a ghoul? A really nasty one, right in the eye before you send it packing? You see one of two things. You see fear, it knows it's dead meat and that's kind of sad but others, the really bad ones, they never stop wanting to take you down right up until the moment you pull the trigger, and those kills, they're the sweetest. Sometimes when I nail something that mean and terrible, when I watch it die, I feel... well, it's hard to explain but trust me it's a thousand times more cathartic than lying on a couch crying about how your life sucks, Doctor!


DANU: I can only say how sorry I am that you were the ones who found us. We should never have been disturbed.

WILL: Why are you sorry?

DANU: You were kind to us, never passed judgement on our actions

WILL: You mean your memories of killing those men? I hate to tell you this but memory is probably the most untrustworthy thing our minds have to offer

DANU: You shouldn't do this

WILL: Do you want me to believe that you're evil witches from the Middle Ages? Danu before your so called memories returned you and your sisters were kind, reasonable people. You said please and thank you, so forgive me if I fail to believe that

DANU: I remember who I am, who we are, what we've done. You just refuse to accept it. Battles were lost and won because of our presence. We were the bringers of pestilence that destroyed men's souls. My power when I act alone is but a tiny shard compared to when we three are as one. A thousand men marched on Baden Hill that morning, all were dead before nightfall, all without the touch of neither sword nor spear and now that we are free, more will die. That is our purpose. When shall we meet again? In thunder, lightening or in rain. When the hurly burly's done When the Battle is lost and won. I told you, I remember who I am now.

HELEN: So that's what the couch is for

WILL: OK, you win, they're witches from the Middle Ages. What do we do with them?

HELEN: Keep them secure, study them, understand their power and help them if we can

WILL: Look I realise I don't have a lot of experience dealing with witches but I'm not sure I have the time or the talent to turn them into productive members of society

HELEN: Yes, well our work does have it's limitations

WILL: You know what bugs me is that before I jogged their memories they seemed normal, well adjusted, not homicidal, life sucking sorceresses who killed a thousand men at a place called Baden Hill

HELEN: Baden Hill?

WILL: Yeah, what about it?

HELEN: Wexford mentioned that it's the site of the final battle that handed Arthur control of Britain

WILL: So the thousand men

HELEN: would have been Saxons not Britons

WILL: Wait, wait. You told me that The Morrigan were created to destroy Arthur, not help him defeat his enemies

HELEN: What if they had no choice? Of course, it makes sense; she would never have done that

WILL: Who wouldn't have done what?

HELEN: What do we know about Morgan Le Fay?


HELEN: She was an evil sorceress who was Arthur's enemy. Now, ask yourself who would have written that?

WILL: Men?

HELEN: Men. Exactly. This is revisionist history. What if The Morrigan were not created to wreak havoc, but rather to restore balance to the world? It follows what other revisionist scholars have already uncovered through ancient history; patriarchal monarchies that were actually run by women for example

WILL: Whoa, whoa before you get all DaVinci Code on me, how do you know Morgan Le Fay wasn't just simply evil?

HELEN: I don't, but I do know that throughout history feminine energy never seeks to try to dominate but rather tries to restore harmony to the world, to make it whole. Now Arthur wanted to control all of Britain, what if Morgan was simply trying to stop his rush to power? Here it is. These are Arthur's battles in his campaign to rule Britain

WILL: It looks like he lost more than half of them. How does a guy become king of England with this kind of win loss record?

DANU: Henry


DANU: That's better

HENRY: God, please look I'm just an employee. Ah

HELEN: Prior to Baden Hill, Arthur's army suffered many defeats but with very few casualties. Most of his men simply lost their will to fight and abandoned their posts

WILL: but then something changed

HELEN: At Baden Hill. A massive defeat was visited upon the Saxons by Arthur's forces, now legend says that most died but without any marks on them.

WILL: The witches changed sides?

HELEN: My guess is that Merlin somehow brainwashed these women. He recognised them as Morgan's greatest weapon and tried to and a way to control them

WILL: OK, so Morgan Le Fay creates witches to do good. Then Merlin captures them and uses them to hand Britain to Arthur?

HELEN: and then locks them away, keeping them alive in case they're needed in the future

WILL: and the ghouls

HELEN: are an incorruptible army created by Merlin to ensure that The Morrigan would never be free again

WILL: Well no offence to Merlin but he didn't do a very good job I mean if we can

HELEN: Move! I should have predicted this! Merlin's army is reclaiming their prize

WILL: Yeah, it would have been nice to have seen that coming.



Source: Wikia

Ecrit par albi2302 
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